Contact Fr. Cesar for more information on being baptized.
Contact Fr. Cesar if you are a Catholic who needs to be confirmed. If you are a baptized non-Catholic who is interested in being confirmed, please contact Deacon Mark Bowden about joining the RCIA program.
The Holy Eucharist is available during Mass to practicing Catholics who are in a state of grace. Others at Mass may come up at communion time and cross their arms over their chest to receive a blessing from the clergy or the extra-ordinary minister of communion.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each Thursday evening after Spanish Mass, during Adoration and on Saturday afternoons from 4:15 to 4:45.
Fr. Cesar is available to hear confessions at other times by appointment.
Join St. Jude Parish for the monthly Healing Mass on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Fr. Cesar is available for Anointing of the Sick at other times by appointment.
If you are planning a wedding, please contact Fr. Cesar at least 6 months in advance of the wedding date. Click below for the wedding guidelines.
St. Jude Wedding Guidelines
If you think you may have a calling to the priesthood or permanent diaconate, contact Fr. Cesar, Deacon John, or Deacon Mark. You can also contact the Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr. Nick Adam, at 601-969-4020 or