Altar Linen Guild: Members launder and care for the altar linens used during the celebration of Mass each week. Some training is required.
Altar Servers: Assist the priest during the celebration of Mass by preparing the altar, holding the Roman Missal, ringing the bells, and taking care of the candles and incense. Recommended for 4th graders and older (including adults). Training is required. Advanced training is offered for special Masses.
Art & Environment Committee: Members maintain and enhance the environment for liturgical celebrations, especially for Advent, the Christmas season, Lent, Holy Week, and the Easter season. No training is needed.
Flower Guild: Members arrange the fresh flowers placed in the church each weekend. Training is offered but not required.
Reader: Proclaims the Word of God during Mass. Training required.
Ministry to the Homebound: Ministers share the Eucharist with those homebound parishioners or area residents of nursing homes that are unable to attend weekend Masses. Ministry training required, as well as training for Protection of Children diocesan program.
Music Ministry: Sings in the Choir or plays a musical instrument for weekend Masses, as well as other special Masses throughout the year. No training required.
Sacristan: Mass coordinator - prepares the church for Mass, coordinates the various liturgical ministers, oversees the cleaning of the sacred vessels after Mass, ensures that the Blessed Sacrament is secured and properly handled, and assists the celebrant as needed. Training required.
Ushers : Greet and assist in seating, collecting the offering, helping with traffic flow, distributing handouts and bulletins, and helping as needed in emergency situations. Training required.
If you have any questions, contact Rhonda Bowden in the church office - at 601-939-3181 or